The Requirement
The carriers are structured differently. VIS//ON is used by different carriers with different requirements. Some customers plan, build and operate cable infrastructure with the software, others offer the content or use existing infrastructures on which they generate services. A connection from all possibilities can also be used.
They all have this in common:
Our Solution: VIS//ON Carrier Edition
VIS//ON Planning & Operation Support Systems for telecommunications
The VIS//ON OSS solution for telecommunications companies combines all disciplines for efficient planning, operation and management of telecommunications systems on a central platform. All modules can be combined modularly. VIS//ON accompanies the entire process from planning, installation, operation and reconfiguration, from the locations (data centres/distribution centres), technical installations, cable connections, logical network structures and services to the customers.
Our software also covers administrative activities such as accounting, trouble ticketing and system/network management.
The leading solution VIS//ON is modular and customizable for all these areas.
Who is this solution suitable for?
Data are the raw materials of the information age. If a technology is operated that transports data and is highly complicated (meshed, networked, fail-safe) and has customers with high availability requirements, it needs a system that provides the answer to all these requirements and questions.
We support networks in cities, municipalities and in Europe-wide structures.
Modular and customized version for the following topics
Extracts from VIS//ON
More than 500 municipalities, planners and operators use VIS//ON and are mapped in VIS//ON. The tasks range from planning and operation to management, accounting and billing:
Some examples are auto import of building transfer points, planning of KVZ areas, overplanning, civil engineering planning with surface calculation, cable/fiber/splice planning, work instructions, material lists, project calculation, house connection points, pipe technology, CPE`s, sleeves, KVZ`s and POP`s. Network level 4 can be represented schematically or on building plan level.
On site, the installer uses plans or digital documents and communicates with the project management via the VIS//ON App (photo documentation, location, text information, georeferencing).
Connection of equipment and services, management, detection of faults, calibration and visualization of the fault, detection of dependencies, management of customers, workflow and process management, maintenance and service, trouble ticketing with reference to technology, detection of dependent faults
VIS//ON Operation Support System
Planning and operation of: